Created by renowned artist Michael Macleod, this stunning piece of art is an intricate 3m*3m structure made from glass, Murano fish and other carefully-chosen materials. Its mesmerizing hues and evocative design bring the oceans to life, while its unique story shines through every dazzling detail. It’s a captivating creation that needs to be seen up close in order to really appreciate its beauty.
This impressive artwork was proudly crafted by Signature Projects ME (SPME). Their passion for excellence has allowed them to create one-of-a-kind sculptures all over the world – each one as unique as their clientele.
Now it’s your turn! Let SPME shape your vision into reality using only the finest materials available on today’s market.
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Project: Fish bait sculpture
Artist: Michael Macleod
Execution: Signature Projects ME (SPME)
Location: The Royal Atlantis - Dubai
Dimensions: 3m*3m
Material: Glass, Murano fish